The North East Hunting and Fishing Club was founded in the 1940’s when the men were returning from WWII. The club was very active, with meetings held once a month and the dues of $.25 a month paid at the meeting. The Club purchased an old store on Route 89 and Damsite Road for a clubhouse. The Club grew, having over 500 members at one time.
The Club had a fish raceway and raised fish for the PA Fish Commission. In the early 60’s, a flood washed the raceway out, and it was never rebuilt. The Club purchased ringneck pheasants and stocked them until the early 70’s, when it became too expensive.
Member Glenn Arnold gave the Club a tract of land on East Townline Road in the early 50’s for a rifle range and a picnic area. The first trap range was on this tract along with the rifle range which is still there today. At the time, the Club needed money to develop the picnic area, so some people put up money for life memberships. All life members have now passed away. In the late 60’s, the Club needed to add a second trap range. Glenn Arnold still owned the land to the east, and was willing to sell it to the Club at a greatly reduced price, making the total land a little over 50 acres.

In the early 70’s, the clubhouse on Route 89 needed a lot of repairs, so the club house was sold and the members built a new clubhouse on the grounds on East Townline Road.
North East Hunting and Fishing Club was a rather long name, so in the late 90’s, it was changed to North East Sportsmen’s Club. The North East Hunting and Fishing Club, Inc. is still the league registered name.

The North East Sportsmen’s Club trap team has been shooting in the Erie-Crawford Trap League since the late 60’s. The trap team is very competitive, and has won the league championship once, along with many other awards. Individual trap team members have won many personal awards.